The Dunes is A small mobile home community that sits in Fulton Texas. Living Inside The Dunes  there are 14 well established senior residents 1 is not a senior , but has been accepted as part of The Dunes family for the past 3 years ,four of the  residents are veterans. ALL own the home they live in  , for the most part they all get along really well and look out for each other( a tiny family )  .unfortunately  The land that the  small park is located on does not belong to us, so each pays monthly lot rent and bills . The residents have lived here in the park for years the longest period is 19 years down to 2 1/2. Just  2 years after Hurricane Harvey the park owner passed away and the park has changed ownership . Most residents have finished repairs or close to finished ( still recovering from the costly repairs ) . New ownership sent every resident, September the 5th a notice of non renewal of the lease due to a business transition giving till December the 31st ! even if they could be moved , city ordinance will not allow them to be moved , which in turn will force the residents to abandon and be homeless as most have nowhere or no family and as stated now no money . and as heartbreaking as this is, it is legal  .Sounds awful saying its legal for someone to toss war veterans and seniors in the streets like they dont matter huh? well lets change that ! this world is a beautiful place and no human being should ever be without or have their life turned upside down at a whim and have the home the worked for taken from them ! 
 The materialistic items of life should never overpower the value of  people who paved the way for you !
so the purpose of this site is to help  the Dunes residents stay in contact with people and each other and spread the word and hopefully raise money for some kind of chance at all in preventing them from being homeless , and they would love to stay where they are at , but any please have gone unanswered , they do not want a hand out BUT A HAND UP ,they need an attorney for legal representation and that's a costly one , and aid in finding a home if the need shall arise ! 
To  bring awareness to others that there ARE no laws that protect the people who purchase homes and put them on someone else's land for a fee or requirements of the landlord to follow as far as land use goes to govern and prevent things like having homes taken needlessly away (creating a strain on the systems in terms of more people needing assistance with safe shelter or government benefits when prior to having homes taken they were fully independent and doing without any outside charity handouts  . although the law protects homeowners, renters, and has mobile home tenancies acts , there are no provisions for the land use on the landlords part , this leaves homeowners in mobile home parks vulnerable to unscrupulous landlords . once a mobile home is set up with plumbing electrical and porches Etc. it is technically no longer mobile , and the cost to move one is out of most peoples budget of affordable .
example : buy a manufactured mobile home for basic price$ 34,450 moving and set up $10,000 ( not including if you have it financed) no land so you go to a mobile home park and pay rent for 1 year and get a notice (non renewal of lease please make arrangeents to remove your property from our park ) well if you cant afford to move it you are forced to abandon it and the landlord has a free mobile home to rent out at a higher rent or tear down for whatever they see fit . yeah  sure you can go to court and try but the sad thing is its not your land and the end result is always the same  if they want you out your gone and Texas is a landlord friendly state . (how many people do you know have won in eviction court  in Texas? )  ......